Photographs tell your story for generations to come.

A photograph holds emotion. It creates a memory. It invokes a feeling. The laughing, the loving gaze, the little giggle and those holding hands. The brand new baby and all their cuteness. An honest, natural reflection of you with the ones you love. That photograph will freeze a moment forever. You will remember how that moment made you feel and you will hang it on your wall to enjoy that moment with every glance for generations.
I am a lifestyle photographer based in Cambridgeshire and adore taking photos of love; families, children, babies or couples, bumps and every combination in between. I am in the moment with you, to feel the emotion with you and to seal that within your image.

This is the shoot for those looking to maximise the moments to capture, memories to keep forever. These photographs will be hung on your wall and adored. The Location Shoot is set on location, making the most of the natural settings around us, utilising the seasons and the stunning light on offer. This shoot is about time spent together in a beautiful setting and ideal for family, maternity and engagement.

+ The Packages

The HOME Shoot
This session is very relaxed, from the comfort of your own home and will compile of a mix of beautifully posed baby only images, moving onto family portraits if desired, All that is required in your home is good light and a small area for me to work in.
Think relaxed & happy and leave the rest to me.

All of my sessions will fit into one of these packages, except Mini & Weddings....
If you would like to enjoy the complete story of the entire gallery from your session, you can upgrade your session to include more images.
The MINI Shoot
I also offer seasonal mini sessions that follow the seasons throughout the year. Perfect for a little update centred around your little ones.
From The WINTER Shoot for your festive moments, to Wisteria, Wildflowers and more.
Drop me a line & see what is up next or better still, why not join my VIP list to get first dibs on session releases!

+ Client Love
+About Your Photographer
This is me...
Hi, my name is Lizzie and I am the face behind the lens!
I’m in my thirties, still working out this thing called life, one cup of tea at a time.
My husband is always there (usually making said tea) offering support and making me laugh whilst we attempt to raise our two children the best way we know how, to make sure they are good humans. Oh, and I love to take photographs!
I have been in love with photographs forever. I remember looking through our family albums repeatedly when I was little, learning from my Grandma who all these faces and smiles belonged to. And then listening to my Mum and Dad retell funny stories of when we were little, the proof being in front of us & the story being told with great fondness and smiles. I loved those moments.
Over the years I have always been the one taking the photos. The one who’s bedroom, and now house, is dripping in them. I love all photos, but its when you grab a connection between people. That impulsive laugh. That tender hug. That joyful first step. That sleepy milk drunk baby. Normal moments. Extraordinary moments.
I have always been the photo taker too and I soon got the reputation that people needn’t bother taking photos of their own as I was there to do just that!
As I have grown in age and experience, I have really thought about what makes me happy in photographs. Printing them. Putting them on my wall. Looking at them. Reliving the moment. Feeling the emotion. But not just my moments. Everyone’s moments.
Holidays. Birthdays. Weddings. All special. All important. But the ones I now look upon with such joy are the everyday moments. Especially having become a Mum, I realised the photos that really made me happy were the ones of my children. They are only little for such a small amount of time and I want to capture them at every stage. I want to capture my husband and I in those moments with them. Even more so, I revel in photos of them and us. Laughing. Being silly. Sat writing. Pushing one another in the toy pram. The little hand resting in mine. The face of such joy as they run through the park. The look my little boy gives only me. Even that grumpy face when they just don't want to walk anymore.
Now I have turned my passion into a business, sealing these connections and landmark moments for families. I aspire to give them an experience of pure happiness. To do your hair, wear those thoughtful outfits (that I will happily help you choose) and meet me at a beautiful place and just be together. Enjoy each other. Walk, giggle and love. To have the priviledge of capturing your newborn, being welcomed into your home. I treasure these sessions and feel honoured to do them.
You will love how it feels. You will love what I take. And you will love what I produce for you to treasure. My passion shows in my photography, for you to cherish for always.
I can't wait to see you at your session & look forward to meeting you then,
Lizzie x